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Two-Player Games

Two-player games are games between two players, a duel!

List of Games

?c4Connect Four
?gomokuGomoku (Five in a Row)

Starting a Game

There are two ways to start a two-player game, either by looking for a game or by challenging someone.

👀 Looking for Play

You can look for play by simply using the game command. Anyone will be able to accept the game invitation.


When looking for play, you can specify a number of goos (a bet) you want to play for.

?c4 <goos>

💪 Challenging Someone

You can challenge a specific person by mentioning them. Use the game command, such as ?c4 for Connect Four and add a mention behind.

?c4 <@mention>

When challenging someone, you can specify a number of goos (a bet) you want to play for.

?c4 <@mention> <goos>


If your opponent is taking too much time to use their turn, you can use the blame subcommand to mention them and bring them back to the game.

?c4 blame

Ranking & Profiles

In ranked games, you have a skill level. This skill level shows how good you are at a game. If you win, or your game ends with a draw, your skill level increases. But if you lose, your skill level decreases.

📜 Profile

The profile subcommand shows you your statistics in the game. The following fields are shown in the command:

  • Rating: your skill level in the game.
  • Ranking: Your rank in all the players who use ghosty, and the players in the server the command was done in.
  • Games: The number of times you have played the game.
  • Wins: The number of times you have won in the game.
  • Draws: The number of times a game you played ended with a draw.
  • Losses: The number of times you have lost in the game.
?c4 profile

🏆 Leaderboard

You can use the ranking subcommand to get the skillboard in the server, which gives you a leaderboard based on the skill level of the players.

?c4 ranking

If you want the global skillboard, you can use ranking global instead

?c4 ranking global

🔮 Predicting

ghosty can predict, based on your skill levels, who will win the game! Use the predict subcommand and add a mention or two behind.

If you add one mention, it will predict for a game between you and the mentioned user. If two mentions are added, it will predict for a game between the mentioned users.

?c4 predict <@mention> [@mention]

Ending a Game

Unranked Games

You can use the end subcommand of the game command to end a game.

?ttt end

Ranked Games

Agreeing to End the Game

With the end subcommand of the ranked game command, the players can agree that the game should be ended. No rating will be given if the game is ended this way.

?c4 end

Ending the Game with a Draw

With the draw subcommand, the players can agree that the game should be ended. Rating will be given if the game is ended this way.

?c4 draw

Resigning from the Game

At any time in the game you can give up using the resign subcommand. But it makes you the loser, and your opponent the winner.

?c4 resign

Ending by Inactivity

If a game is not interacted with for a certain amount of time, ghosty automatically ends it.